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Video Conversation on the Terrace


After her husband passed away and she retired, Sandy faced mental and physical health challenges that resulted in a heart attack. She began to open up to her doctor about her difficulty coping with stress and losing her sense of purpose. With the help of a volunteer link ambassador, Louise was connected with a telephone assurance program for support. In the last six months, Sandy has drastically improved her wellbeing and attributes all of her success to these friendly phone calls. She is again expressing herself creatively by painting, sewing and crocheting, in addition to rekindling social connections.

How has social prescribing impacted your life?

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These women told me, ‘You were strong before.’ And I hear that in them. The strength that they’ve received when they reached out. And they’re doing the same thing that I want to do now, to be able to pass this on. If I don’t have a purpose or a function on a given day, I get dressed and walk out the door. I was afraid to do that before. I’m not afraid anymore.

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Funded by Anonymous Donor, implemented in partnership by

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